The Exhibition

ExpoHellas was initially introduced to the public in 2006 (it was running under the name xHellenica back then) and within six years, it managed to establish its appearance in 152 countries around the world (data: Google Analytics, year 2012).
It presents to its thousands of visitors, Greek export companies with details, background story, products, as well as the possibility of a direct contact with these companies, either through their websites or via e-mail.
ExpoHellas will even further increase its already impressive traffic levels and its effectiveness, opting at creating partnerships with the worlds various exhibition centers.
Our Strategy
Targeted Advertising
Most of our generated income is being rellocated to advertising efforts, targeting mainly websites and portals that are directly related to import-export organizations worldwide, in order to expand trade routes.

Communication Lines
We continuously keep contact with the world’s embassies and trade diplomats. We also directly help service interested Company’s, giving them viable information and redirecting them according to their needs and wants.

Our Contacts
Our teamis compiled of professionals that have been in the trading business for over 15 years. Combined with contacts made through the Exhibition itself, these trade relationships are put into effect, generating partnerships.